Between February 5th and February 29th, GHHS was raising money for Pitch-In-Pets and medical expenses for our furry friends in need. In total, we raised $9,690.35.
Thanks to our Pitch In Pets fund, animals with serious illnesses and injuries are rehabilitated and given an opportunity to be adopted into their FURever loving homes!
Pitch In Pets allows GHHS to care for animals that are heartworm positive, those that have endured serious physical injuries or trauma, are malnourished and animals that need additional time to adjust to accepting the love and compassion that we have to offer.
Unfortunately, last year GHHS cared for more medical needs than we had in years! Heartworm positive dogs were a large concern, yet animals experiencing seizures, inverted eyelids, amputation, and the heartbreaking issues of animals from neglect and abuse cases living emaciated with sores, tumors, and internal health challenges were all a priority.